A new game on the wii.

We have started using a new game in our class for our learning. It is called BIG BRAIN ACADEMY. Have a look on our ‘Why the wii?’ page and see Sabrina’s evealuation of the game.

Lion’s Pride

Today we went on a night Safari. We saw the trees on fire. We think that the lightning struck a tree and started a fire.

We saw Lion’s and Hyenas fighting over a dead Gazelle. A Gazelle looks like a Hyena and a bit like a Deer. We saw a pride of Lions. We went got too close to the Lions and they got angry. It looked like they were going to attack us. The lions were digging through a warthog burrow. There was an elephant sleeping. Did you know that they stand up to sleep?

We really liked the music that this level had on it. It made the game a bit scary, then it changed and it was groovy.

Our own safari adventure.

Last tuesday, Mr Sandral and Miss Ferrari joined us for our very own in class safari. Mr Sandral and Miss Ferrari had their Safari gear on and their binoculars and cameras ready. We had so much fun.

We talked about the information we had discovered already and discussed what it all meant. lots of the words in this game are new to us, so we had to find definitions and images of words. We used dictionaries, our cenet page, the encyclopedia and information books to find these.

Now, we have each chosen an African Animal that we are going to research. In groups, we came up with questions that we want to find the answers to.

We had such a fun day of learning. We will post the information we find out on our animals page.

By Sydnee, Katarina and Sabrina.

Level 2

We were on the wii and we were playing on level 2. We found a Hiyena that was drinking from the stream. There was a Rhino near a big waterfall. We could see a nice view where we were. There was 3 baby Giraffes and some Rhinos fighting. Then one of the Rhinos retreated and ran away. We also saw a Giraffe drinking.

We found a word that we did not know, so Mrs Reardon took us to the library and we looked in the dictionary to see what it meant. This is what we found out.

Savanna – is a grassland with widely scattered tress and shrubs. There are Savannas in Afirca, Australia, India and South America.

By Jayden and Sydnee.

Our Next Adventure

When an elephant need food it can smell the food from a great distance.

Elephants are like humans, they look after their young in groups.

Elephants have a really good memory.

An elephants trunk can weigh up to 160 kgs.

An elephants trunk is boneless and is used for reaching high,bathing a calf, for digging and carrying food.

Male elephants are usually made to leave the heard when they are teenagers.

Elephants live for between 60-80 years.

An elephant has sensative skin.  It can feel a fly land on its skin.

Elephants eat grass, leaves twigs roots a little bit of fruit and will destroy anything in their way to get to the food.

They are sensitive, they laugh, cry and and play.

Lions chasing Warthogs

Today on the wii we saw Lions chasing the Warthogs. We photographed fish jumping out of the stream. There was an elephant and it’s calf walking and a warthog was in the long grass.

Written by Jordan & Sam


Today we saw two elephants helping each other. Did you know elephants can even be scared by birds? The man said elephants are only scared by birds and lots of sounds.

Did you know elephant dung is really another  name for elephant poo.

Did you know an elephant lays nearly 57 dung a day.

Do you know why I like African Safari?  It helps me learn.  I think you will  like African Safari.

Written by Obinna.

Rainbow trout

Today on the wii we found an elephant using its trunk to bath the calf. We saw a zebra running and we followed them. We could see a fish jumping around and when we went closer we saw lots of Rainbow Trout jumping. We went downstream and found animal families. Then we saw an elephant protecting its calf. Everytime we get close to animals they run away.

by Sydnee and Debansh

Wild Earth African Safari

We found this trailer on youtube from Majesco, the creators of this Wii game.  It gives you a good idea of what the game is all about.

Hello world!

Welcome to Yr 3 Explore the Wii.

We hope you’ll explore our blog site to see how we are learning whilst we use the Wii at school.

Joseph on the Wii